Sony on Tuesday announced a new gorgeous PS4 bundle, the Limited Edition Batman: Arkham Knight PS4 bundle. The bundle is packed with a limited edition Steel Grey PS4 500GB system decorated with a custom Batman: Arkham Knight faceplate. The bundle also includes a matching Steel Grey DualShock 4 controller along with a copy of the game, Batman: Arkham Knight. Before it gets completely sold out, you can pre-order this bundle from Amazon for $449 or Best Buy.
For $49 less, you will also be able to buy the regular bundle with a regular black PS4 and regular black DualShock 4 controller. This bundle will come with the Batman: Arkham Knight game as expected. Both bundle will come with exclusive bonus content which includes additional in-game missions and custom skins for Batman and the Batmobile. The bundles will be available on June 23rd like the game.
(Source: PlayStation Blog)